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Media Cause


Media Cause exists to accelerate the growth and impact of organizations and individuals doing good around the world.

Media Cause account teams are made of marketers hailing from startups, technology, media and top-tier nonprofits with specialties spanning content, digital advertising, brand strategy, social media, email, SEO/SEM and more. Each website, tweet, infographic, landing page and blog post is carefully crafted to inspire passion in your audience and action for your organization. Every account gets a senior strategy team in addition to the right combination of skill sets and subject matter expertise to best deliver on your unique goals.

Tips & Tricks

  • We started Media Cause because we were inspired by the amazing work that many non-profits and NGOs are doing. Rather than help one organization at a time, we launched a volunteer led platform that can support thousands of them with the help of online marketing professionals.
  • Our proven community-first, mission-first approach centers on building up your communities one yes at a time. Strategic goals like “activate my audience” or “we need 1,000 new donors” are our everyday missions. We build success in 5 steps.

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