The NH Center for Nonprofits is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, statewide association dedicated to providing programs and resources that support nonprofit organizational capacity building and to partnering with sector leaders, businesses, and the broader community to elevate the visibility and status of the nonprofit sector.
It is our vision that the nonprofit sector of New Hampshire will have high-quality, easily accessible capacity building resources, a variety of consistent opportunities for learning, and the support needed to sustain strong leadership that adapts creatively to change. As a result, the people, communities, and the environment of New Hampshire will thrive.
The New Hampshire Center for Nonprofits strengthens and gives voice to the state’s nonprofit sector through leadership, collaboration, and learning opportunities.
Tips & Tricks
- The NH Center For Nonprofits provides the following services. Best Practices Tools to help NH nonprofits assess where they are on a best-practice continuum, and resources on how to move toward excellence. One Stop Information and Resources on nonprofit leadership, management and governance. Coordination of and Support for Capacity Builders to insure that all regions have access to high quality training, and that the latest national tools and techniques are shared among all providers. Leadership Development and Peer Support Networks within six regions for ongoing learning forums and peer exchange. The Center also brings leaders together on a statewide basis to address critical issues. Advocacy for the Sector to create greater awareness and understanding of the impact of the Sector. Comprehensive and cost effective insurance products and services are offered through E & S Insurance Services, LLC, the exclusively endorsed provider of insurance and benefits to our members.
Further Info
[email protected]