Category: Lessons Learned

Passion vs Beliefs

Thursday, 21 March @ 5:55 AM

Ever found yourself struggling with a conflict between something you are passionate about and your beliefs? I am passionate about breaking cycles of poverty, violence & hopelessness and about kids.  I have been fortunate enough to work closely with a number of organizations that shared these passions and provided great opportunities for me to participate […]

Five Types of Nonprofit Tweets Guaranteed to Get Retweeted

Friday, 22 March @ 6:07 AM

@NonprofitOrgs follows more than 120,000 nonprofits, nonprofit staff and nonprofit service providers. Now, of course it’s humanly impossible to follow the tweets of that many Twitter accounts, so to make the chaos manageable I organize my favorite nonprofits and those whose tweets consistently stand out from the rest intoTwitter Lists. However, at least 10 times a […]

Three Nonprofit e-Newsletters to Subscribe To and Learn From

Monday, 15 April @ 5:50 AM

My e-newsletter is by far the driving force behind Nonprofit Tech 2.0. Those 27,000+ subscribers produce more return on investment (ROI) in terms of bringing in new clients and webinar attendees than my 600,000+ Twitter followers and 40,000+ Facebook fans combined. And even though a recent report pointed out that email open and donor response are dropping in the nonprofit sector, […]

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