Leaving a Legacy

Sunday, 9 September @ 5:01 AM

This morning, with the backdrop of a classic Florida thunderstorm, I was quietly reflecting back on the last month.  As you may know, I have lost two industry colleagues in that time and at their memorial services there was a lot of talk about the legacy that each of these men left behind.

On my radio show, Uncommon Giving, I use a song by the same name for the intro to the show, performed by Nicole Nordeman.

Click here to play the title song - Legacy

And as you listen to the lyrics (by clicking on the album cover), whether you are thinking about what people would say about you or about your non-profit organization, I encourage you to think about how you are making your mark on things.

We all want recognition, but so much of what we focus on are the “accumulating trinkets and treasure piles, where moth and rust, thieves and such will soon enough destroy.”

What legacy are you leaving behind?  I would love to hear your story.


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