Closer to Home
Leveraging the many wonderful resources listed here on Philanthropegie is usually the focus of my blog posts – and today is no different. But let’s start a little closer to home. What about leveraging our own resources?
Each of us is wonderfully unique. We may share certain talents and knowledge with others, but our unique perspective, experiences, passions and outlook combine to make each of us truly unique. Just think how boring the world would be if that wasn’t the case? Put in the perspective of giving back… of making a difference in the world, within each of us also lies a unique set of resources – gifts that we can make use of for the benefit of others.
Maybe you are a great listener – that is truly a gift. Perhaps you’re good at solving problems or planning or project management? Regardless, I guarantee you that there is a nonprofit out there that desperately needs what you have to offer. I encourage you to take inventory of the things you are good at, the things you most enjoy doing – and then think about the ways in which you could leverage your resources to help others.
There are a number of great resources to help you with that last part – finding ways to leverage your resources. One that I recently got to know a little better is Media Cause. This 501(c)3 organization helps other nonprofits find their voice by matching marketing experts who want to volunteer their time with nonprofits who need their help.
Media Cause describes their approach this way… “Media Cause is a platform that empowers online marketing volunteers to give a bigger voice to non-profits and NGOs that are working hard to create positive change in the world.” They go on to say… “Non-profits post ‘challenges’ related to Google Grants, SEO, and social media. Skilled online marketers select great causes they would like to support.”
I gave Media Cause a try. The process for signing up is quick and easy and the Media Cause team is very responsive. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to check them out.
Don’t worry, if online marketing is not your thing – check out the other “volunteer resources” to find ideas, tools, opportunities to give back in a way that’s meaningful to you. You don’t have to be an “expert” at anything – most of us aren’t. You just need to understand that you do have something very special to offer – and someone out there is just waiting for you to find your way to put it to use.
I would love to hear stories about individuals discovering their gifts and finding a way to give of themselves to others.
Ric Leutwyler