Turbulent Times Hit Home

Friday, 29 June @ 5:00 AM

“Fasten your seatbelts, there is rough air ahead” You don’t know me well yet, but I am a serial entrepreneur, strategic consultant, author, frequent traveler, giver, wife and mom (not necessarily in that order).    I fly way too much and even as comfortable as I am with flying, I still wince a bit when […]

A Snoball’s Chance in…

Wednesday, 29 August @ 6:51 PM

You know how a snowball grows as you roll it in the snow?  Well, that’s how I think about growing donations through some of the great new sites that help you organize and magnify the impact of your donations.  What I like most about these sites is that they are leveraging social media for a great […]

Haven – a beautiful thing

Tuesday, 12 March @ 6:57 AM

I bet you thought that was a typo?  Nope. ha·ven  /ˈhāvən/     Noun     –  A place of safety or refuge I was out in my backyard this weekend – getting caught up on a few things while listening to great music and enjoying a beautiful Spring day. When I took a break from my […]

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