Saturday, 21 July @ 5:51 PM

We have all been there.  You are sitting comfortably on your couch and you are watching your favorite late night movie channel.  It is time for the commercial and staring back at your from your 54” flat panel screen is a sad looking puppy. You know what is coming next.  They need your help.  They […]

The Donor Engagement Playbook – Seven Tips to Increase Donor Engagement For Your Non-Profit

Friday, 27 July @ 6:41 AM

  With the economic downturn, non-profit organizations around the globe are looking for new ways to increase donations.  Rock the World Network has released a 7-step white paper that will help increase reach and engagement, both online and in real life. July 26, 2012- Tampa, FL   In the face of reduced donations, non-profit organizations worldwide […]

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