Wednesday, 4 July @ 5:00 AM
I subscribe to a number of newsletters about philanthropy, nonprofits and social good. There is one in particular that I’m always excited to see in my inbox. Heather Mansfield, the author of “Social Media for Social Good – A How To Guide for Nonprofits,” sends out her newsletter every 10 to 14 days. It’s full […]
Friday, 13 July @ 12:00 AM
My favorite story about giving occurred just after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans. We had been threatened with more than one hurricane in Tampa that year and my daughter, who was 7 at the time) was glued to the TV watching the news. After hearing about all the loss and devastation, she turned and looked […]
Thursday, 16 August @ 3:02 PM
Someone recently asked me to choose the most important quality of an effective leader. Before you read on, take a moment to think about how you would answer this question? To set the stage for this, I should share that I am a big believer in the maxim – “Leadership is Action, Not Position.” For […]