Wednesday, 4 July @ 5:00 AM
I subscribe to a number of newsletters about philanthropy, nonprofits and social good. There is one in particular that I’m always excited to see in my inbox. Heather Mansfield, the author of “Social Media for Social Good – A How To Guide for Nonprofits,” sends out her newsletter every 10 to 14 days. It’s full […]
Sunday, 8 July @ 3:38 PM
You are probably familiar with Chicke Fitzgerald through her blog posts about Integrated Giving. Well, Chicke invited me to join her for the inaugural edition of her new Blog Talk Radio show, “Uncommon Giving.” I enjoyed the opportunity to share more about the history, intent and future of Philanthropegie. I hope you enjoy it. Ric […]
Saturday, 14 July @ 11:48 PM
There’s a new organization in Phoenix, Arizona called SEED SPOT that caught my attention and drew me deeper into the arena of social entrepreneurship. SEED SPOT describes themselves as “an incubator in Phoenix, Arizona that supports early stage social entrepreneurs that are launching ventures that create a positive impact in the lives of people […]
Wednesday, 8 August @ 9:58 PM
My work with Philanthropegie is all about making a difference. More specifically, it’s about helping others to make a difference – and volunteering plays a big role in this arena. That must have been on my mind the other day when I read a great article by Rick Steves – “How to make the most […]
Friday, 24 August @ 5:25 PM
Creating The Future’s mission is to assist in transitioning the societal perspective so that dramatic community improvements become normalized behavior by the actions of social enterprises, non-profit organizations, and benefit groups throughout the world. This organization has a fantastic handle on the powers of technology. Through its use of the internet to regularly host engaging […]